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于是就逛公園啊,小小地爬了一下山啊,點點點,最神奇的是居然劃船去了,就是那種雙槳的maxium for 5 people的手搖小船。理論上來說,這種東東某紫上去之后,一般是不可能隻靠自己力量就能囬來的(meaning,必須要增加工作人員工作量)。這次居然很熱血地劃了一個半小時,然后囬到岸上了……而且某紫也有份劃哦~很多哦~
同一錯誤不犯兩次!(double meaning for those who can understand)

以前看過外觀的圖片,感覺一般般,但是走進就已經能感覺到它的氣勢和威嚴,進去就更不用說了。似乎依照BJ的習慣一樣,房子要做得大大的,才能凸顯的那種氣勢,但在這裏,卻絕對不會用BJ機場T3那種走S人不償命的大,他用的更多是縱嚮的寬廣,即便在大廳,一半地方也能有屋頂的陽光普照,大廈亮麗,卻又不會炎熱(人傢用的材料好嘛),另外半邊就能看到辦公區沿着牆麵和陽光延展到屋頂,于是就形成了那種亮麗寬廣無垠的氣勢。而且最重點是,走完一圈都很不會T3那種累,更甚至覺得由于他的氣勢,以及正中央的魚池和兩徬的高聳竹子的協調,走完一圈還是意猶未盡,根本不會覺得走了多少路……這個才是真正拿來膜拜的啊~~m(_ _)m
P.S. 星巴克沒有芒果星冰樂了……QAQ

Well, as a matter of factly, it should be two days left, or at least a day and a half left since it's the evening. But tomorrow after lunch I will be moving into the hotel where I will stay during the examation, so this is quite the "just before the exam that I can touch my PC".
Then, in this "just before", we got a little teeny tiny event around the class just to warm-up. After dinner, I was texted that when correcting the answer during the exam, one should draw two horizontal lines across it, followed with "please read the night paper page35", which after a while turn out to be a ad page.......well, we all need so relax before the big thing comes, don't we?
Recently I have been watching The Big Bang Theory, since House just got its season finale overed. I might talked about it later, after the exam, which I won't promise.
It seemed liked to be a few rain for the next three days. Hope we don't have any.

Things have been changing rapidly. Finally, after those years of fights and rests and plays, we are about to graduate, just a little nine day left, and finally my scores are somehow progressed. Nine days later will be the final fight, then everything in high school will end, then everything will start all over again. If everything is as planned and as hoped, Iwill be leaving this place with all the willingness I wanted to come here back then.
Somehow, I feel it really lucky to leave here before Sep., which the new subway line going near my home will start, which it was once a bad bad thing because I can't enjoy the convinent since it opens right on the month my freshman year start, but now seeing the halp-done station,which really disgusts me, I am here, feeling really really lucky, for not have to be forced to go into something like that.
It is the last day of school which we can still have class today . Finally I don't have to stuck here, especially the boring useless English Class, which, by the way, I wrote this on the very last English class.
Well then, may I have some good luck in the final Exam (or the fight finale).