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  bells of freedom
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2025/03/10 (Mon)


2010/11/26 (Fri)




2010/11/23 (Tue)
I hate this strange weather when it said the temperature would drop and it did not, and I thought I did not, which I am about to have a cold just because I read a novel in bed in noon with my arms stretched out. And it had bothered me my P.E. class, which I'm not good at already and went like a mess. Maybe I should just go for some medicine instead of waiting for it to be better by itself, somehow I think it had lost the ability to do some. And it's like going to a fever while I write.

I'm still struggling where to take my German class, new oriental? eic? Well, based on the 4 phone calls I had made this afternoon to eic, I finally have some kind of outline for its class. Bascially, it cost just as much as new oriental, but it had longer period, by that I meant the whole day, not just a half day like N.O., and the biggest part I am struggling with is that the eic class will last 21 days, non-stop. Does the guy who arrange those classes have any idea how it would look like to have 21 consecutive days of class? That would be something that is hardly tolerantable. I am doubtful I could stick to such a class without any skipping classes.
What's more, N.O. has been giving classes for years but with to much jokes to cover up the long period, and I really don't how they would do on German, and from what I have been heard, they have trouble starting a mid level class because there were not enough students. While eic on the other hand, is a rather young institute but with a lot of experience for sending students aboard, and it look like I can study for a longer term because they have classes that are connected to this one.
Maybe I should just talk to someone before I made the final decision.

plz, I don't want to get sick. plz, plz, plz, get better soon, like tonight.....


2010/11/22 (Mon)

I have started to wonder whether I should call this the nonsense every day, instead of random entry.

Nothing special happen today.

I managed to wake up by myself after I slept in again and didn't not get late. I am seriously considering I should wake up later so that I can avoid the traffic jam.

And finally today, I did the oral test after waiting one of my partner to came back from volunteer.

I also went to new oriential to see the German class, I have almost decided to go there for German class for the winter holiday.


Ah.....don't know what to write, there's 5 minutes to go......


mmm, holiday. Recently, days have been flyed by. Activities in the weekend have been filling the gap in my boring work days. It's like since last month I have been having all kinds of activities for weekend, things I searched on-line, I saw on microblog, etc.


That's all for today, don't care if it's 15minutes or not.


2010/11/21 (Sun)
 Sorry to kept all of you waiting for this 004. I was hoping no-one was annoyed by the daily update.

Actually I was quite confused by whether I should go on with this or how. Because the most interesting and exciting part of the day I would certainly write it down in Chinese just like the concert and the food festival these two days before, so that would left this "random entry" thing nothing much to write about, and basically that why I did not write random entry those two days. But finally, after consideration, I have decided that since I have already said I would do it and I have started it with "001" not "1", most importantly I have already feeling some kind of fluency in writing blogs every day, English or Chinese, so this random entry will go on, and just to leave me some break, I would make it four or five times a week like I have said before.( And this is the forth time of the week, I did not break my rules~~~yeah!) Anyone who would like to go on with this rubbish, I would extend all my gratitude to you~

Another thing I am struggling with in recent days is my clothing. I have been taught to be frugal since I was a kid, which made me have a hard time understanding fashion. See, doesn't fashion mean that things which prevalent now may not look good for some time so it keep changing? Then what happen to the clothes you bought it last winter when it was a fashion and it is not now? Actually I haven't figure that out even till now, so my easiest solution is not to wear what is fashion so that I can wear the same clothes every winter. 

Therefore I have been said dressing like a kid, asking if my new clothes are from grade school and I have been telling some of my clothes are from grade school, but not the new one. Okay, I admitted it, I am extremely dull on clothing, or any other aspects if you have your own opinion on me, and yes, the clothes I bought yesterday are the same "grade school" style, I need to really intentionally think that I need to buy clothes like a grown-up so that I can look for clothes like a grown-up, which I have been unsuccess to find much till now.

Anyway, I am still having problems with it and thank you if you want to talk to me in person which I prefer not. Let's just ignore it. I am fine with jeans and T-shirts and I am not going to wear a dress to school unless I really have to. Dress are for weekends~~lala~

That's it for today, thank you for your time.


2010/11/21 (Sun)






不过好好找一下还是能见到好吃的~~~我找到的是8块钱的羊肉酱意粉,那个酱好好吃~~还有就是5块钱三件的红豆糕,满满当当的红豆~~>///< 反正正常的东西基本上都是五块钱上下,当然也有那种做得金黄金黄很诱人的20块钱一只不小的乳鸽,点点点……





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